We visited Yellowstone in 2015, Rose’s first visit. We didn’t see many birds, but we did see several bears and had a remarkable wolf watching experience (even if the photos fail to capture it).
We rented a campervan for the week, and both Kassie and Rose made the trip to Yellowstone without much motion sickness.
Campervan Fiasco
The campervan we rented had a lot of problems, including a fold-a-way bed that never truly folded away.
Grand Prismatic Spring
City kids' first stop in Yellowstone.
Grand Prismatic Spring
Coville's Columbine, Aquilegia pubescens
Mountain Bluebird, Sialia currucoides
Madison River
Jackson Hole, WY
Fancy eats in this here town.
Lamar Valley
Grand Canyon of Yellowstone
Lamar Valley
Bison Herd
Now imagine this times 100,000. Now make sure such a travesty never happens again.
And this is how people get gored. Except this photo was taken through the scope: we were at a safe distance.
Our souvenir, named after the canine mayor of silver gate, and placed in our garden.
Firehole River
Black Bear Cub
A brownish color for a black bear, but we saw the mom too and definitely wasn't a griz.
Four Amigos
Well, three plus the one who carries the scope.
Water Ouzel, Cinclus mexicanus
John Muir's favorite bird. Cf. Torrent Duck.
I should have paid attention to the class I didn't pay for.
Pronghorn Antelope, Antilocapra americana
A nice male.
Pronghorn Antelope, Antilocapra americana
Female with calves.
Huge Rack!
Wolf History
The wolf reintroduction was based out of this spot.
Grey Wolf, Canis lupus
They do come in black.
Grey Wolf, Canis lupus
Grey Wolf, Canis lupus
I was lucky to spot this one, early one morning, causing a great commotion amongst the wolf-watching regulars. Photos were challenging because of the distance and low light.
Osprey, Pandion haliaetus
Osprey with chicks in the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone.